Child Education

Our foundation places particular emphasis on providing access to education for the children in our care, to give them a better future. We provide schooling for children in the East of the DRC, in the town of Bukavu in South Kivu, and in Goma in North Kivu. Every year, 250 children receive free education.

What is every child’s right to education?
Going to school and learning to read and write is a right that all children should enjoy.
Education must concern all children: girls and boys alike have the right to access quality education. The CRC (art. 28 and 29) guarantees this fundamental right necessary to develop the individual and society.
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, especially in the war-torn east of the country, children are unable to go to school because of poverty and insecurity, which forces them to work in the mining areas to support their families financially or to help their mothers with domestic chores, the water and sanitation problem, which prevents children (especially girls) from going to school for reasons of lack of hygiene or illnesses linked to the absence of drinking
A few figures:
The education of around 750,000 children has been hampered in the two provinces most affected by the conflict in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). According to new figures released by UNICEF, between January 2022 and March 2023, at least 2,100 schools in North Kivu and Ituri provinces were forced to close due to the deteriorating security situation.
The insecurity has been particularly damaging for the 240,000 recently displaced children living in the vast camps around Goma. Violence by armed groups has forced thousands of families to leave their homes for safety, preventing their children from attending school.

Our actions
Our foundation places particular emphasis on providing access to education for the children entrusted to our care, to offer them a better future. We provide schooling for children in Eastern DRC, in the town of Bukavu in South Kivu, and in Goma in North Kivu. Every year, 250 children benefit from free education.
We build temporary learning spaces and provide school materials for pupils. At the same time, the Foundation trains volunteers in relevant subjects, including psychosocial support for children.
This access and right to education enables children:
   – a better life;
   – to be free from poverty;
   – be informed about health risks and be able to treat themselves;

   – play a real role in society